White Papers
Diagnosing SIP Issues: Hints and Tips SIP transactions flow with a well known UDP port number, but SIP hands over the voice traffic to temporary UDP port numbers, and that makes troubleshooting difficult.
Network Considerations for Remote Vehicle Operation Latency poses some unique problems with remote operation of moving vehicles; low latency 5G does not solve the problem.
Network Protocol Testing Overview Learn about the categories of network testing and determine how to apply the right ones to your testing effort.
Lexicographic Ordering in SNMP You should care about lexicographic ordering because it is required by GETNEXT and GETBULK operations.
Instance IDs in SNMP Understanding scalar and columnar objects and the concept of multiple instances of one object.
Limitations of ICMP Echo for Network Measurement ICMP Echo, more commonly known as "ping" is not a valid tool for measuring network distance or perform
Does IPERF Tell White Lies? Does Iperf significantly under report the actual bandwidth of the link?
Emulating 3G/4G Networks Today, more than ever, applications need to be prepared to run over mobile infrastructure. Learn about the characteristics that impact application performance and recommended testing.
Understanding How Applications Perform on the Network How do apps perform on the network under adverse conditions? Trial deployments are expensive and yield limited data. Learn how to properly characterize your application or device performance prior to deployment.
Causes and Correlation of Network Impairments Learn how ARP cache timeouts and leaky VLANS (among other things) create delay, loss, jitter, and more to packets as they traverse the network.
Are you Allocating your Test Resources Correctly? Finding and fixing software defects constitutes the largest expense for the software industry. See why line speed testing isn’t enough and the importance of functional testing!
Rate Limitation vs. Bandwidth Limitation Not the same thing! Reduced bandwidth link emulation is a technique used in a lab to evaluate how a network application behaves when its packets traverse a slow link.
End-to-End VoIP Product Comparison Testing with Maxwell More than vendors want to admit, the voice quality of VoIP calls depends on the software in the receiving phone.
POSIX Standard Result Codes in SNMP Testing Setting up the fully integrated, fully automated test lab.
Standard Names for Versions of the SNMP Protocol SNMPv1, v2c, v2u, v3 --which one should I be using?
BITS Must Not Be Imported Get to the bottom of a common area of confusion among SNMP MIB designers.
The Top Six MIB Creation Errors The private MIB errors that we see time and time again.
Advisory Board Rules on SNMPv3 usmUserSpinLock Are SNMPv3 managers required to use usmUserSpinLock in every SET request?
Advisory Board Rules on snmpInASNParseErrs InterWorking Labs' Advisory Board took a survey and made a decision on the test results, PDUs and incrementing snmpInASNParseErrs.
DARPA Robotics Finals: Degrading the Network Can robots perform "first responder" activities? Can they operate semi-independently or are they merely marionettes? DARPA pushed robot technologists to transfer more intelligence to the robots to carry out simple tasks.
DARPA Robotics Challenge: Test Bed Learn how the network was simulated to approximate a real life disaster situation for the robots at the DARPA Robotics Challenge.
Towards Useful Network Management This is a paper we wrote in 1996. In it we considered new concepts and capabilities in network management. These range from incremental enhancements of the current state of affairs to wild-eyed dreaming. Many of these ideas are still (in 2018) unrealized.
KNMP Overview This is a paper we wrote in 2010. This was a thought piece about a protocol to replace SNMP that would address many of the issues with SNMP. The result is KNMP. KNMP can be orders of magnitude faster than SNMP, is able to perform "safe sets", and obtains protection using familiar SSL/TLS mechanisms. KNMP largely preserves the form and semantics of existing MIBs. IWL created a proof-of-concept implementation in Python.