SilverCreek SNMP Test Suite Product Brief
Executive overview
Versatile and Easy-to-Use SNMP Testing Tool
Whether your job is to find SNMP compliance problems or to fix them, the SilverCreek SNMP test suite is your most valuable ally. SilverCreek is a software product for design, quality assurance, and test engineers to find and fix bugs in their SNMP agent implementations. The SilverCreek SNMP software is so easy to use that anyone who can navigate a graphical user interface can quickly run a battery of individual, comprehensive tests.
The tests are designed to detect and diagnose implementation errors in private and standard MIBs as well as SNMPv1, v2c, and v3 stacks and implementations. Yet SilverCreek is so powerful, extensible, and flexible, power users can create the ideal solution for virtually any testing environment.
Authoritative SNMP Test Suite
SilverCreek is the Authoritative SNMP Test Suite -- designed to test implementations of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP agents) and standard and private MIBs (Management Information Bases). SilverCreek incorporates thousands of small, single function tests written in the Tcl scripting language to exercise one or a small number of parameters. The syntactic tests verify protocol compliance, error and exception handling, and boundary condition behavior. The functionality tests (semantic tests) verify performance, trap/alert/event/notification handling, counter accuracy, security, and many other implementation specific areas.
Thorough and extensible
SilverCreek's SNMP engine is written in C++. The testing interface is written in the interpretive Tcl/Tk scripting language. Users may modify or extend test scripts without programming. Using the SilverCreek management information base (MIB) browser is just as easy. Clicking on any leaf automatically launches the SNMP Command Tool, which allows users to view the contents of the agent’s object identifier (OID) tree and issue GETs and SETs. Because the MIB browser combines SNMP GET and NEXT requests on modified object identifiers, it discovers MIB branches in a manner that is more efficient, more thorough, and more accurate than the average MIB walk. Combined with the MIB Lookup Tool and support for private MIBs, the SilverCreek MIB Browser boosts productivity to new levels.
Advisory Board
The SilverCreek SNMP Test Suite was developed and refined by InterWorking Labs, Inc. with the help of the Advisory Board comprised of key SNMP technology experts from the IETF. Attending the IETF meetings, commenting on drafts in progress, and evaluating interoperability issues with other participants assures the best understanding of the standards documents which translates into meaningful tests. This results in the most accurate, credible, and comprehensive test suites possible.
SilverCreek SNMP Tests
Set up in less than five minutes - Windows or Linux
Customize tests via Wizards, Script Generators, and more
Automate operation with unambiguous test results
Integrate with other test harnesses and test tools
Cover conformance, compliance, vulnerability, robustness, stress, and performance testing
Investigate failures and quickly resolve them with powerful diagnostic and analysis tools
Test coverage:
Conformance/compliance tests for SNMPv1, v2c, v3, all private and standard MIBs
Syntactic tests
Semantic (functionality) tests
Vulnerability (robustness) tests
Functionality Tests:
SNMPv3 Apps (RFC-3413)
MIB-II Tests (RFC 1213/2011/2012/2013/2196)
IPv6 IP MIB Tests (RFC 4293)
IPv6 ipForward MIB Tests (RFC 4292)
IPv6 TCP-MIB Tests (RFC 4022)
IPv6 UDP-MIB Tests (RFC 4113)
DOCSIS Tests (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification) (Includes Diffie-Helman SNMPv3 key ignition and keyChange
Inform Response Handling Tests
Coexistence SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB (rfc3584) Tests
Host-RESOURCE-MIB (RFC2790) Tests
IPSec-SPD (RFC4807) Tests
SNMP Manager Tests
Load tests (by simulating multiple managers)
Performance measurement tests
Tests reference source of authority in RFCs
A rich toolset
For probing, sniffing, and inspecting individual objects, components or subsystems of your product's SNMP implementation, the toolset includes:
MIB tools
A MIB browser that actively probes the agent for the true value of objects
A MIB compiler that allows you to add, compile, and automatically test your private MIB, or any IETF MIB
Add and compile any MIB (private or standard)
Automatically compile and load multiple MIBs (all at once)
Add and compile an agent-capabilitiy MIB
Select one or more branches of MIBs for testing
A MIB Lookup Tool for quick and convenient access to information about a MIB object. Provides basic information such as descriptor name, OID, syntax, access, status, and index.
A MIB Scope Tool to isolate a portion of the agent's objects to focus testing on a specific set of objects
MIB Compare Tool
MIB Walker
MIB Table Inspector
MIB Dictionary
Validate MIBs by 6 Severity Levels
SNMP Traps, SNMP Alerts, SNMP Informs
A Trap Monitor to visually examine the contents of all traps
A Trap Tester that works with the Trap Monitor to verify syntax, ordering, and correct indexing of the incoming event.
Versatile Use Cases and Utilities
A Command Line Interface that allows command line SNMP requests outside of the
SilverCreek application
A Command Tool for issuing SNMP SET, GET, and GET-NEXT commands
An ODBC (Open Data Base Connection) tool, a powerful way to process test results
and generate reports.
A Command Script Wizard to build complicated SNMP commands, generate and store requests as scripts and reload them.
Polling Tool
Memory Leak Tool
Performance Measuring Tool
Diagnostic tools
A Packet Monitor that demonstrates the flow of traffic to an and from the agent under test in three output types: octet, pseudo-ASN.1, and/or summary. This facilitates debugging as all the low level traffic may be examined and analyzed.
The Diffie-Hellman (DH) key ignition and key change test module validates support for DH key agreement (as specified in the Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification).
SilverCreek Console
Summary (summarized form of packets sent)
Watch (pseudo ASN.1)
Debug (octet dump)
Packet Recorder and Decoder:
Capture packets
Decode any SNMP HEX data to human readable form
SilverCreek is available on:
Windows (x86, x64)
Fedora (Linux) (x86, x64)
SilverCreek has been tested on Fedora 7 and newer, Redhat enterprise 6 and newer, CentOS 6 and newer , and Ubuntu 14 and newer versions.
SilverCreek should work on other recent Linux distributions such as SUSE, Debian etc. IWL is happy to supply a temporary license to confirm that SilverCreek works with your distribution.
Extend, customize, diagnose, analyze
All tests written in the Tcl scripting language for extensibility and customization
The test engine is written in fast and efficient, compiled C++
Packet recorder and decoder for packet capture and analysis
Add, compile and test multiple private or standard MIBs, automatically
Save and reload configuration files
Select data to include in output results and save in multiple formats
SNMPv3 USM manager for managing USM and VACM table relations
Comprehensive set of MIB tools and utilities for analysis and diagnostics
Testing options/customizations:
Customize tests (for ultimate flexibility)
Access source code, APIs, library definitions
Customize your MIB definitions (e.g. Redefine the range of an integer)
Check system reboot
Ignore lexicographic errors
Insert a delay between test packets sent (for slow agents)
Test according to MIN-ACCESS
Ignore writeable objects in SET tests (treat them as read-only)
Repetitively execute selected tests
Pause testing and resume later
Disable 'SET' tests
Disable 'GET-BULK' tests
Creating your own tests
For Creating Tests:
Classic SNMP requests API (optimized for testing)
Light weight SNMP requests API
Scotty/TNM API with support for IPv6 and SNMPv3
Synchronous and Asynchronous API
Automation Wizard:
Build a script to drive the GUI to automatically run test suites
Full support of Tcl language
Any Tcl extensions can be added to the SilverCreek environment
SilverCreek libraries can be added to any standard Tcl environment
SilverCreek may be integrated with other products (e.g. to control the Spirent packet generator)
Consistent Architecture and Operation of Tools
SNMP engine written in compiled C++ (for fast engine operation)
Testing interface written in Tcl, an interpreter (for easy test customization)
SilverCreek uses small, single function tests written in the Tcl scripting language to exercise one or a small number of parameters.
Syntactic tests verify protocol compliance, error and exception handling, and boundary condition behavior.
Functionality tests (semantic tests) verify performance, trap /alert /event /notification handling, counter accuracy, security, and many other implementation specific areas
Support for Windows and Linux Agent Setup
Save agent setup to file
Share agent setup file with other users
Agent capabilities
Advanced Agent Setup - customize interactive parameters
Online Help (user manual)
Task-based Training Videos
CookBook of Tcl Scripts (for Controlling and Automating SilverCreek)
SilverCreek Developer's Guide (for Creating Your Own Tests)
SilverCreek Test Handbook (details of each test)
Test output
POSIX Standard Result Codes
Text file (human readable and machine parsable via keywords)
CSV delimited output can be imported into a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel)
XML support (parsing by an XML parser)
Web page (display results in a web browser)
Log of test session (machine parsable via 3 digit code)
ODBC support (store results and SQL query your database)
Authentication, encryption and key exchange algorithms
Diffie Hellman
AES 128, 192, 256
Triple DES
MD5 and SHA Authentication
SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 Authentication
Clear, unambiguous test results
The SilverCreek SNMP Test Suite is used by thousands of design, quality assurance, and test engineers to find and fix bugs in their SNMP agent implementations. SilverCreek is the only authoritative SNMP tester backed up by an Advisory Board of SNMP experts who can arbitrate disputes, clarify the intent of the RFCs, and provide you with the assurances you need for clear and unambiguous test results.
© Copyright 2021 InterWorking Labs, Inc. dba IWL.
Web: IWL
Phone: +1.831.460.7010
Email: info@iwl.com