Realistic Network Emulation Virtually with KMAX
Network Emulation in a Software Package
Why a Virtual Network Emulator Solution?
Specifying, ordering, installing, and configuring hardware is expensive and time-consuming.
In addition, hardware systems require frequent software updates, particularly for security vulnerabilities.
For environments utilizing VM technology, the KMAX Virtual Network Emulator may be set up and configured, leveraging existing investments in hardware systems, avoiding incremental expenditures.
As a result, highly valued teams can focus on the work of characterizing the application or device performance over a wide range of network conditions.
Subscription Model Compared to Network Emulation Hardware model
Leverage and expand available hardware interfaces and Virtual Machine capabilities
Use Existing Hardware for Network Emulator Software Installation
VMware Based WAN Emulator Software
KMAX-V: A VMware-based WAN emulator
Your customers will use your app, service, or device in multiple locations worldwide on a variety of networks, each with a unique set of dynamically changing traffic conditions.
Can you be sure that your product will meet or exceed client expectations?
Evaluate product performance in the presence of real-world packet impairments, prior to deployment.
Using KMAX with a Hypervisor
The VMware vSphere ESXI is a virtual server. KMAX-V runs on ESXi compatible hardware.
Click to see the compatibility matrix.
Deliver robust, high quality products and applications
Accelerate time to market
Eliminate guesswork and surprises
Completely characterize your app’s network performance.
Virtual KMAX network emulator package
KMAX-V (virtualized KMAX) is available for the VMware vSphere Hypervisor® ESXi.
KMAX-V ships as a pre-configured Virtual Machine (VM).
Just install the KMAX .ova file and start the VM; there is no additional configuration required.
The KMAX virtual network emulator uses at least three virtual network interfaces:
One is for connection to users, i.e. the typical developer lab or company network on which users run their desktop and laptop computers.
The remainder are for KMAX packet traffic. These can be virtual or physical interfaces. However, no two should be on the same broadcast domain, which means that they can be any mix of VLANs and physical ethernets as long as there is no packet path between them except via the KMAX.
State of the art, fully intuitive user interface
Access the KMAX VMware WAN Emulator through modern web browsers on a tablet or desktop.
The Wizard will guide you through set up and operation.
Point and click to select the scenario closest to your production environment.
KMAX scenarios contain sets of network impairments -- drops, delay, jitter, etc. -- that you can adjust and fine-tune to match your environment.
Watch our KMAX in two minutes video
The KMAX network emulator lets you test your app or device as if it were in various environments, from LAN to satellite to 5G.
White Papers
Understanding How Applications Perform on the Network — Even Under Adverse Network Conditions
Read MoreEmulating Mobile/Cellular Networks
Read MoreRate Limitation vs. Bandwidth Limitation
Read MoreCauses and Correlation of Network Impairments
Read MoreLimitations of ICMP Echo for network measurement
Read MoreNetwork Emulation Executive Overview
Read More
Use Cases
Waveforms in KMAX
Read MoreCounting Bits - Measuring Network Data Rates
Read MorePerformance Testing an IoT Device
Read MoreNetwork Emulation in the Lab vs. Real World Network Testing
Read MoreFive Best Practices to Avoid Data Center Relocation Disaster
Read MoreIs Network Latency Affecting Your Business' Cloud Performance?
Read MoreNetwork Emulation in the Lab vs. Real World Network Testing
Read MoreSatellite Link Simulator
Read More
Complete list of KMAX videos: Watch Videos
The KMAX videos include:
KMAX Network Emulator Overview
Stress Testing RTP Video Streams with KMAX
Emulating 3G & 4G networks with KMAX
Testing a Game Streaming Service