network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Bandwidth Limiter Overview

Network bandwidth is the maximum data throughput in a specific segment of a digital communication system. For example, a wireless access point rated at 300 Mbps network bandwidth, will support data transiting through the access point at a rate no greater than 300 Mbps. Higher performance devices with data flowing through the access point would be "bandwidth limited" by the access point …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Understanding Network Emulators, Network Modelers, Network Simulators

Network emulators, network modelers and network simulators -- how do they differ? How do I know what solution would be right for my application? How do I compare an emulator vs a simulator? Modelers, simulators, and emulators represent a continuum, that begins with pure mathematical software models and moves towards the physical reality of emulation …

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network emulation, legal Chris Wellens network emulation, legal Chris Wellens

IWL Announces New Patent Licensing Program

IWL today announced a new patent licensing program for manufacturers and end users who use the technology of the Maxwell Patent. IWL is the owner of US patent number 7,310,316. The Maxwell Patent is directed to a test device placed between two or more nodes, in which the nodes communicate in conversations according to a predetermined protocol such as TCP/IP …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Replacing Your Shunra (now HP) Network Simulator?

Several years ago, an Israeli company called Shunra Software, offered a network simulator product. The product’s purpose: to help IT staff verify the performance of apps and devices, prior to deployment in production networks. In 2016, HPE sold the “software division”, including the HP Network Simulator, to MicroFocus.

So where does that leave HP Network Simulator? …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Avoiding Internet Timer Synchronization

The internet is a complex distributed process in which computers interact with one another over pathways that introduce delays and errors. There are many feedback loops. Some of those loops are simple to identify, such as the handshaking between the end points of a TCP connection. Other loops are harder to identify, such as the interaction of timers in ARP (address resolution), DNS (domain name system), and routing protocols (such as OSPF and BGP) …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

A Deep Dive into Bit Counting

The question of “how many bits” were sent and received clearly is a matter of interest when measuring data rates or data quantities. Mobile providers, consumer ISP's, consumers, and regulators talk a lot about their speed and (not so often) about their data caps. But rarely, if ever, are sufficient details provided …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Performance Test IOT App on ESP8266 on a Drone

Have you thought about how you will test the performance of IoT apps and drones? Our new video demonstrates performance testing of an IOT application controlling the ESP8266 Microcomputer mounted on a drone! As you might expect, as the drone flies further away from the wireless base station, performance degrades. So how can you emulate that in your test lab? …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Emulating BACNET

The Building Automation and Control network (BACnet) protocol defines a network communication standard for building control systems to communicate. Before deploying a new BACnet-enabled control unit in a BACnet/IP network, it would be helpful to verify that the new control unit can handle the full range of adverse network conditions that are likely to occur …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Waveforms in KMAX

Real network conditions are rarely static. Real life networks suffer transient conditions – congestion builds up and dissipates, tree branches wave in the wind across radio links, long distance routing paths change, VoIP call trunks are filled with more calls during working hours than during the evening.

KMAX and our Maxwell Pro can emulate these kinds of changes …

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