network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Test Your Mobile App’s Performance

There’s no question about it—any business that wants to stay relevant these days needs to have a mobile app to keep communication flowing between their clients and their organization. Savvy small and mid-sized business owners are aware of this data, and they know they need to invest in an app to keep up in today’s competitive marketplace. What they probably don’t know is that they need you to provide them with an app that works under any and all network conditions …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Did ASUS X99 Motherboard Testing Miss The Mark?

ASUS, a well-known electronics manufacturer, has launched a new motherboard, the X99-A/USB 3.1, primarily targeted towards the online gaming industry wherein players participate over the internet. As online video games rely on highly responsive UDP packets, ASUS has set out to verify, assure and prove that its product would perform extremely well in this dimension …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

It’s James Clerk Maxwell’s Birthday

Monday, June 13th is the birthday of James Clerk Maxwell, the inspiration for our network emulators! James Clerk Maxwell was born 13 June 1831. Among his many contributions to physics, James proposed a thought experiment called “Maxwell’s demon” that suggests that the Second Law of Thermodynamics could be violated …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

The Importance of Optimizing User Experiences for Internet of Things and Cloud Applications

As people become increasingly reliant on the Internet of Things and cloud computing, it becomes even more important to ensure that applications work as intended. There are many factors that can affect an app’s performance, including service priority, latency and bandwidth. If an app is going to fail, developers need to know about the failure before deployment — not when users post negative comments about it on their social media pages …

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network emulation Chris Wellens network emulation Chris Wellens

Degrading the Network at the DARPA Robotics Finals

Much has been written about the robots, the competition, and the tasks at the DARPA Robotics Finals. This article examines the unique elements of the Network Operations Center (NOC) and the Degraded Communications. IWL was part of the network infrastructure team preparing for the finals for 20 months prior to the event. Here is our unique perspective …

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